Honor Policy

The Honor Pledge reads: "On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this work." Cheating is defined as a student's:

1) Giving or receiving unauthorized aid on assigned work (test, quizzes, homework, lab reports, papers, etc.). Unauthorized aid includes discussing the content of tests, quizzes, etc. with students who have not taken the tests or quizzes.

2) Submitting copied work as one's own. Plagiarism is defined as the use of words or ideas belonging to another person either directly or through paraphrasing, without giving credit to the source. Downloading of information and/or cutting and pasting from the Internet without proper acknowledgment and documentation is plagiarism.

3) Violating any honor requirements specifically stated by an individual teacher, for example, working with others on homework, violating teacher rules governing the use of Spark notes or other study aids, etc.


The consequences for cheating are as follows:

1) The teacher will notify and counsel the student.

2) The student will receive a "0" for the work involved.

3) The student will receive a discipline referral.

4) The student may be ineligible for membership in any honor society, and may be dismissed should he/she be a member.

5) The teacher will notify the student's parents/guardians.

6) Students who are repeat offenders will be subject to further disciplinary actions.