Parents' Guide to Being Involved
Come to Parent Information Nights, PTSO meetings: Back to School Night, Guidance-sponsored programs. Meet the teachers, find out about your child's classes. You'll be surprised at how much you can learn about what's going on at school and how you can be involved in your children's education. PTSO meetings are open to all - 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM in the AHS Media Center. Please
Check our AHS and PTSO Websites: AHS Home. Our school website has lots of useful information. Link to the PTSO site.
Check the Guidance website: Guidance has assembled a wealth of information and resources for students and parents. Their Announcements and Newscasts are updated regularly.
Sign up to receive information by email from the PTSO and from the county: To receive timely information, go to the PTSO webpage and click on the links "Add your name to our newsletter list" or "What's New."
Can't find what you need?: Let us know if you would like to see information added to the AHS PTSO web pages or if you have suggestions about our web site. Contact the Communications Coordinator (see "PTSO Board" link on PTSO website).
Come to AHS athletic and cultural events: Check the AHS calendar online, read our newsletters, talk to your children, and discover the many activities at AHS. Bring your family. Spend an enjoyable evening, meet other parents, and support our talented students.
Join the PTSO: All AHS parents, staff and faculty and any interested members of the community are welcome to attend our monthly meetings and get involved. No registration required. Monthly meeting minutes are posted on the PTSO webpage.
Volunteer: Whether you're new to the school or a veteran parent, volunteering is a great way to get involved, meet other parents, provide a terrific service, and show your children that you care about their education and their school. Contact Ingrid Horn ( for more information.
Spread the word: Know a parent or student who is not connected to the internet but wants to have access to information? Let us know so that we can find a way to facilitate communication.
Serve on a planning committee, attend fundraising events, or make a donation to the PTSO or the school directly: Join in the fun or make a donation. Funds collected from PTSO donations and other fundraising activities are used to support the students, teachers, and staff of AHS.