New Student Registration

Albemarle County Public Schools and Albemarle High School require the following information for all students, new and returning. Please contact the Registrar’s office at 434-974-4327 or if you have questions or concerns.

  1. Online Student Registration Form
    Complete the online registration form on the ACPS Student Registration site. Please make sure to read all information provided throughout the process.
    Note: For assistance registering a child who was not born in the United States or speaks a language other than English, or if the documents needed for school registration were issued in a foreign country, contact the International and ESOL Office at 434-296-6517.
  2. The following documentation must be presented to the school’s Registrar when enrolling or re-enrolling:
    Proofs of Residency
    Two documents proving residency in the Albemarle High School district. See below for acceptable documentation:

    One of the following:

    • Deed or Mortgage
    • Monthly Mortgage Statement
    • Residential Rental/Lease Agreement
    • Shared Housing Agreement
      (available from your child's school)
    • Pre-Dated Lease
      (Military families only)

    AND . . .

    One of the following:

    • Paid Albemarle County Tax Receipt
    • Utility Bill Dated Within 30 Days or Notice of Hook Up or Deposit
    • Court Orders
    • Military Orders
    • Letter from Social Worker
    • State Agency Agreement Regarding the Child's Residency
    Original Birth Certificate or Affidavit for Birth Certificate
    The Affidavit for Birth Certificate is required when original birth certificate is not available. The original birth certificate is required to be presented within 30 days of affidavit submission.)
    Official documentation for required immunizations or notarized Religious Exception form or eligibility statement for families under McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. (This information can be obtained from your student’s previous school or doctor.)
  3. The information below is recommended to be presented to the Registrar when enrolling or re-enrolling:
    • Custody verification, if applicable
    • Records from previous school, if transferring from outside of the ACPS district or homeschooling
  4. Once the enrollment process has been completed, a Guidance Counselor will contact families to schedule a meeting for class selections and scheduling.

English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) Registration

Contact the International and ESOL Office if you meet any of the criteria listed below. They will then contact us to finish the registration process.

  • Any student born outside the United States (regardless of Language), including adoptees, U.S. citizens (Consular Report of Birth Abroad), and those from countries such as Canada, England, Australia, etc.
  • Any Student whose Home Language Survey indicates that a language other than English is used in the home, regardless of where the student was born (even if born in the United States)
  • Exchange Student
  • Request for I-20's
  • Any transfer student who fits any of the above criteria.

International & ESOL Program
Northside Public Library, 3rd floor
705 Rio Road West
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: (434) 296-6517, Fax: (434) 972-4077
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m.

Special Education Registration

If you have a special education student, the first step is to contact our special education department (975-9300 extension 60047) and meet with them. The Counseling Department would like an appointment after the special education meeting because there are several more forms that need to be completed by the parents or guardians.

Summer School Registration

Albemarle County Public School centralizes summer school registration. For more information, see the High School Summer Program web page.