Our Schools

Student Assistance Program/Region 10 support

What is the Student Assistance Program (SAP)?

A Student Assistance Program (SAP) is an on-site counselor from Region 10 who identifies and assists students experiencing personal stressors that can impede their school performance, and negatively impact their social and emotional well-being. The SAP works with students who are dealing with a variety of personal issues, including those related to alcohol and other drugs, depression, anxiety, academic issues, family and friend stressors to name a few. Once a student is referred to the SAP, the counselor will meet with the student for an assessment. The counselor then refers the student to other services in the school or community; or the SAP counselor will provide brief counseling to address specific issues.

Our SAP, Jasmine Gosa can be reached at jgosa@k12albemarle.org.

How Do Students Access the Program?

  1. Students can be referred by a teacher, parent, or a friend out of concern about specific behavior which indicates that the student may be dealing with personal problems.
  2. Students can refer themselves by visiting the SAP counselor.
  3. A student who is caught in violation of the school's alcohol and other drug policy and will be required to participate in an alcohol and drug education group.

SAP services Referral Form:  TBD
